平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 【12期分期0%】華碩 ASUS UX430UQ-0062B7200U 14吋窄邊框 藍 筆電 i5-7200U/8G/512G/NV940MX2G/Windows 10
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 【12期分期0%】華碩 ASUS UX430UQ-0062B7200U 14吋窄邊框 藍 筆電 i5-7200U/8G/512G/NV940MX2G/Windows 10
【12期分期0%】華碩 ASUS UX430UQ-0062B7200U 14吋窄邊框 藍 筆電 i5-7200U/8G/512G/NV940MX2G/Windows 10
【12期分期0%】華碩 ASUS UX430UQ-0062B7200U 14吋窄邊框 藍 筆電 i5-7200U/8G/512G/NV940MX2G/Windows 10
ASUS ZenBook UX430UQ
美.力 大視界
ZenBook 一向是一款與眾不同的高可攜性筆記型電腦,但典雅精密的 ZenBook UX430 更展現煥然一新的風貌: 我們打造出方便攜帶的 13 吋 ZenBook,搭配方便作業的 14 吋顯示器! 再也不必在攜帶性與螢幕尺寸間左右為難,無與倫比的 ZenBook UX430 將不可能化成可能,讓您魚與熊掌兼得! 纖薄輕量設計,經典 ZenBook 風格,以及高效能組件,讓 ZenBook UX430 一躍成為可隨身攜帶的強大電腦,不論身在何處,都讓您愛不釋手。 尺寸更小,驚喜卻更多!

處理器CPU | Intel Core i5-7200UProcessor, 2.5GHz (3M Cache, up to 3.1GHz) |
內建隨機記憶體 | DDR4 2133 8G |
顯示晶片 | NV 940MX 2G |
硬碟容量/轉速 | 512G SSD |
螢幕尺寸 | 14 吋 LED Back-lit |
螢幕解析度 | Ultra Slim 300nits//FHD 1920x1080 16:9//Anti-Glare//WV |
無線通訊功能 | 802.11AC/LAN;Bluetooth藍芽 V4.0 |
傳輸介面 | 1x USB 2.0/1x USB 3.0/1x USB3.1-Type C(Gen1)/1x Headphone-out & Audio-in Combo Jack/1x micro HDMI/1 x smart card reader /HDMI/內建SD讀卡機/HD網路攝影機/48W小時/發光KB/VGA/ bag /Mouse/HDMI to HDMI & USB3.0 TO LAN /具指紋辨識 |
作業系統 | 64 Bits Windows 10 |
【12期分期0%】華碩 ASUS UX430UQ-0062B7200U 14吋窄邊框 藍 筆電 i5-7200U/8G/512G/NV940MX2G/Windows 10

相關 【12期分期0%】華碩 ASUS UX430UQ-0062B7200U 14吋窄邊框 藍 筆電 i5-7200U/8G/512G/NV940MX2G/Windows 10
物理 - heat 2
In each of the following situations , fin the change in internal ehergy of the system.a) A system absorbs 500cal of heat and at the same time does 400J of work.b) A system absorbs 300cal and at the same time 420J of work is done on it.c) 1200cal is removed form a gas held at constant volume. Give your... 顯示更多 In each of the following situations , fin the change in internal ehergy of the system. a) A system absorbs 500cal of heat and at the same time does 400J of work. b) A system absorbs 300cal and at the same time 420J of work is done on it. c) 1200cal is removed form a gas held at constant volume. Give your answers in kJ(4.2J = 1cal)
Applying the first law of thermodynamics: △U = Q + W where △U = Change in internal energy Q = Heat supplied W = Work done by the surrounding (a) With Q = 500 x 4.2 = 2100 J and W = -400 J (work done against surrounding), △U = 1.7 kJ (b) With Q = 500 x 4.2 = 1260 J and W = 420 J (work done by surrounding), △U = 1.68 kJ (c) With Q = 1200 x 4.2 = 5040 J and W = 0 J (no work is done as a result of constant gas volume), △U = 5.04 kJ
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