平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [104美國直購] 主機板 ASUS TUF SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK 1/USB 3.1 LGA1150 DDR3 SATA 10Gb/s USB 3.1 Type A Intel Z97 ATX Motherboard
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [104美國直購] 主機板 ASUS TUF SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK 1/USB 3.1 LGA1150 DDR3 SATA 10Gb/s USB 3.1 Type A Intel Z97 ATX Motherboard
[104美國直購] 主機板 ASUS TUF SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK 1/USB 3.1 LGA1150 DDR3 SATA 10Gb/s USB 3.1 Type A Intel Z97 ATX Motherboard
[104美國直購] 主機板 ASUS TUF SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK 1/USB 3.1 LGA1150 DDR3 SATA 10Gb/s USB 3.1 Type A Intel Z97 ATX Motherboard

USB 3.1 On-board
LGA1150 Socket for the 5th, New 4th and 4th Generation Intel Core i7/i5/i3/Pentium/Celeron Processors
TUF ICe - Your Total Cooling Commander
Thermal Armor with Flow Valve - Total Airflow-boosting Heat Dissipation
TUF Fortifier - Damage Protection and Improved Cooling
Dust Defenders - Repel the Dust, Expand the Lifespan
Thermal Radar 2 - Customized Fan Tuning, Complete System Cooling
TUF Components [TUF 10K It-Caps, TUF New Alloy Choke & MOSFETs; Certified by Military-standard] - Certified for Tough Duty
Product Description
TUF ATX Intel Z97 motherboard with strengthened back plate and flexible cooling system for non-stop stability
Product Information
RAM:DDR3 1800
Brand Name:Asus
Item model number:SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK 1/USB 3.1
Item Weight:5.5 pounds
Item Dimensions: L x W x H 10.50 x 3 x 13 inches

[104美國直購] 主機板 ASUS TUF SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK 1/USB 3.1 LGA1150 DDR3 SATA 10Gb/s USB 3.1 Type A Intel Z97 ATX Motherboard

相關 [104美國直購] 主機板 ASUS TUF SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK 1/USB 3.1 LGA1150 DDR3 SATA 10Gb/s USB 3.1 Type A Intel Z97 ATX Motherboard
居魯士大帝(前600?—前529) 阿提拉(406?—453) 以上面的人物為例 , 為何生卒年份會有一個問號? 這問號有何意思??
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歷史人物中的生卒年份會有一個問號, 這是因為歷史學家不能從古代典籍之中, 清楚查證有關歷史人物中的生卒年份, 所以 歷史學家便根據已知而有限的原始史料, 去推算出歷史人物中的生卒年份並且加上問號, 以資識別
該問號 (?) 應該係解 唔清楚...就如 阿提拉(406?—453).... 現代人推算佢出生應該於公元406年...但呢個係未有文獻記載既.... 但係佢公元453年死...就有文獻記載... so...唔清楚就打個 "?" 囉
[104美國直購] 主機板 ASUS TUF SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK 1/USB 3.1 LGA1150 DDR3 SATA 10Gb/s USB 3.1 Type A Intel Z97 ATX Motherboard