平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國直購] 3M Privacy Filter for Microsoft Surface Book (PFNMS001) _T01
就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [106美國直購] 3M Privacy Filter for Microsoft Surface Book (PFNMS001) _T01
[106美國直購] 3M Privacy Filter for Microsoft Surface Book (PFNMS001) _T01
[106美國直購] 3M Privacy Filter for Microsoft Surface Book (PFNMS001) _T01

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3M? Privacy Filters blackout side views quickly, delivering privacy and helping keep visual hackers in the dark.
Designed to fit Microsoft? Surface? Book
3M's thinnest privacy filter allows consistent, high-quality touch responsiveness for your device.
Designed with advanced microreplication technology, creates an excellent viewing experience on your high resolution display.
Minimizes distracting screen glare and mirror-like reflections in office environments
Product description
3M’s thinnest Privacy Filter helps keep confidential information private while maintaining the display's touch functionality. Designed with advanced microreplication technology, 3M? Privacy Filters create an excellent viewing experience on your high resolution display. Incredibly slim 3M? Privacy Filters offer amazing screen clarity and advanced visual privacy protection. Whether you’re working in an open office floorplan, on a plane, on a train, or at a coffee shop, viewers from either side of your laptop will see a darkened screen, helping keep your information secure and out of sight. Your display is often vulnerable to visual hacking. But it’s also exposed to elements such as debris, dirt, and scratches. 3M? Privacy Filters help protect your laptop’s display from these elements as well as help minimize screen glare, fingerprints, and reflections for an enhanced viewing experience.
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Other Technical Details
Brand Name 3M
Series PFNMS001
Item model number PFNMS001
Item Weight 1.1 ounces
Product Dimensions 0.1 x 10 x 15.2 inches
Item Dimensions L x W x H 0.13 x 10 x 15.25 inches

[106美國直購] 3M Privacy Filter for Microsoft Surface Book (PFNMS001) _T01

相關 [106美國直購] 3M Privacy Filter for Microsoft Surface Book (PFNMS001) _T01
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[106美國直購] 3M Privacy Filter for Microsoft Surface Book (PFNMS001) _T01